Blog News

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Read up on the latest Lake-Osceola State Bank news and community events.

A Blog About You

A Blog About You

At Lake-Osceola State Bank, we often use the phrase “Customer Care, Community Support.” It’s deeply rooted in who we are as a company. It’s a founding principle of our mission, and you don’t have to bank with us long to see it in action.

Our people are personally invested in the community activities, events and projects that are important to each community we serve. That’s one of the big differences between LOSB and the big regional and national banks. Their world revolves around entire states and parts of the country, while our world revolves around you.

With the blog section of our website, we plan to keep the same approach. We want it to be informative, educational and helpful. But we also want to use this platform to showcase what is great in our communities – and there is a LOT to share about that! We also want to use it as a tool to help our community in the area of financial education, so send in your questions or topics anytime.

In other words, we don’t plan to just write posts about ourselves and our products, we plan to blog about you!

Be sure to check back often so you can see what’s going on around you, and how your community bank is getting involved to keep things moving forward.

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